Men's Health

Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction, also known as impotence is a common problem that affects many men, particularly those over the age of 40.
Our team can arrange appointments with male doctors if appropriate, and provide a safe place to talk about it!

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Start by talking about it and understanding what can be done to help

  • Book an appointment with your doctor
  • Ask for a male doctor if it makes it easier
Men's Health

Prostate Check

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men, and early detection is key to successful treatment.
Prostate problems are common, especially in men aged over 50 years as prostates get bigger with age.

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If you have any concerns, or just want peace of mind…

  • Book to see your doctor
Men's Health

Testicular Check

Lumps and swelling in your testicles (balls) are fairly common and there are many reasons why it might happen.
In most cases, the cause is not serious, but know when to see your healthcare provider to see if it’s serious or not.

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Your doctor can help you clarify what may be causing concern, and as part of examining you may,

  • look at and feel your testicles
  • shine a light through the skin of your scrotum
  • request a urine (pee) sample and/or blood test
  • refer you to have an ultrasound scan.
Men's Health


Contraception can be discussed with your doctor, who can help you understand what is best for you 

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If you are sexually active think carefully about your responsibilities 

  • Talk to your doctor
  • Read more to understand options better
Men's Health

Heart Risk Assess (Cardiovascular)

Heart attacks and strokes are one of the leading causes of death in New Zealand
Getting a check can help highlight any risks you may have and start a process to manage

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You can arrange a check at Cashmere health 

  • Book an appointment with Reception
  • You may need to have a blood test before