Women's Health

Cervical Screenings

Cervical cancer is highly treatable if detected early. Regular cervical screenings every three years is recommended for women aged 25 to 69 years, if they have ever been sexually active.

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You can have a cervical screen at our practice with a nurse or doctor

  • Call reception to make an appointment
Women's Health

IUD / Mirena

The intra-uterine device, or IUD, is a form of contraception that prevents pregnancy. It may also be used as a treatment for heavy periods and endometriosis.

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Are you thinking this could be good for your situation?

  • Talk to your doctor at your next visit
Women's Health


Breast cancer is the most common cancer affecting Kiwi women.
Regular mammograms can save lives by finding breast cancer early, before it spreads.
They are a type of X-ray and women aged between 45 and 69 years can get a free mammogram every 2 years

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Mammograms are managed away from our surgery.

  • To book use the link below
  • Read more for information
  • Phone reception to see your doctor if worried
Women's Health

Pipelle Biopsy

A pipelle biopsy is a procedure that takes a small sample (biopsy) of cells from the lining
of your womb (uterus).

It is a procedure used to examine for abnormal cells

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Our Cashmere Health team are able to perform this procedure. You don’t have to do anything before the procedure, although if you Read more you will find out about the process and what to expect

  • You will need to ring reception to arrange the appointment
  • Bring a sanitary pad with you and,
  • Have someone arranged to give you a lift home
Women's Health

Sexual Health

Sexual health is an important part of life and the team will help you at whatever stage you are at.
Whether you need a check up, advice on contraception or general support your doctor and nurse can help.

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Cashmere Health doctors and Nurses can help you with checks. 

  • Free for 14-17 year olds
  • Blood test, or swabs are taken
  • Phone reception to book