Mo Tu We Th Fr

Dr Alex Lee


I was born in Taiwan and moved to Whangarei with my whānau when I was nine. I studied medicine at the University of Otago, and since 2010 I have called Christchurch my home.

Following my graduation in 2012, I embarked on a journey of exploration within various surgical and medical specialties at Christchurch Hospital, before deciding to train as a General Practitioner. I have a Master’s Degree in Medical Science and a Post-graduate Women’s Health Certificate. I have developed a particular interest in children’s health, women’s health, minor surgery and palliative care. Fluent in English, and semi-fluent in Mandarin and Taiwanese, I strive to provide comprehensive care to patients from diverse backgrounds.

Building therapeutic relationships with my patients and their whānau brings me immense joy and fulfilment. I consider it a privilege to be a part of their health journey. I firmly believe that by improving cultural competency at both an individual and societal level, we can reduce health inequities in Aotearoa. I cherish quality family time with my husband and two young boys when I’m not at work. If I find some spare time, you’ll often find me gardening or knitting, as these activities help me unwind and relax.