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Dr Vicki Martin

MbChB, FRNZCGP, Dip Obs, Cert Travel Medicine

I graduated from Otago Medical School in 1987 and have now been working in General Practice for over 30 years .
I joined the wonderful team here at Cashmere Health in 2019 and feel very lucky to have found my GP ‘home’ . The roller coaster of the last few years has reinforced the importance of working as a team, not only to support and care for our patients, but also to look after each other .
I have enjoyed getting to know and care for many of you over the last few years which is why my planned ‘retirement’ is now more a semi-retirement !
While not doing regular sessions now I am often on -site as a locum for the other doctors when needed . I’m also involved in doing some of the GP administration paperwork so at times you may get a text or call from me .

In my spare time I still love biking and have rediscovered tramping over the past year . The Goodreads challenge of 52 books in a year was a great kick start this year to get reading again . Art , pilates, yoga , gardening, friends and family fill in the rest of my life beautifully.