Older Persons Health

Regular checks

Regular check ups with your GP and nurse can be the best way to stay healthy, as health conditions can often be detected early. Proactively being aware of changes you are experiencing and communicating with us will also give us the best chance of treating you and giving you peace of mind.

Examples of check ups we provide include

  • Blood pressure
  • Prostate
  • Vision
  • Skin cancer
  • Cholesterol
  • Hearing


Click on the useful recourses below in relation to older persons health:

Health Info

This is a great site with reliable and helpful information, specifically developed in Canterbury and covering all things you may encounter as you age

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Healthify | Advanced Care Planning

This is a great site with reliable and helpful information, specifically around end of life challenges and issues

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Healthify | He Puna Waiora

Useful links to support services for older people

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