Trusted Resources

On this page you can locate trusted recourses for health information.

Ministry of Health

Oversees all policy development and implementation throughout all levels of healthcare in NZ, visit website

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Medsafe Medications
Comprehensive listing of all medications approved for New Zealand

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Healthify Medications
Comprehensive listing of all medications approved for New Zealand

Healthify Medications



Mental Health

Need to Talk
A 24/7 freephone line to for mental health and wellbeing support

Need to talk?


Healthify | Mental Health
List if links and resources for all issues around mental health and wellbeing

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Injury Disability

Health and Disability Commissioner
Set up to promote and protect the rights of consumers as set out in the Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers’ Rights. This includes resolving complaints in a fair, timely, and effective way

Health and disability


New Zealand Accident Compensation Corporation provides support for people recovering from accidents and injury.

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Child and Youth

Raising Children
An Australian site that excels at great info on raising children and the challenges of that

Raising Children


Oranga Tamariki
(formerly known as Child Youth & Family(CYFS)), we help families help themselves. We believe all children belong in families that will love and nurture them. We team up with many different groups and people so that families have the support they need to help their children thrive.

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